Communication Careers for English lovers

Communication Careers - English
Communication Careers - English

Are you fond of English?

You would agree that the popularity of English all over the world is beyond doubt. With over 1500 billion speakers globally, English is the most widely spoken language. Despite variations in accent, grammar, usage of words and spellings across different regions of the world, English users from around the world are able to communicate with one another effectively. This popularity and wide usage of English not only make it one of the most preferred and loved language of the world but also forms the base for some highly creative and rewarding careers.

A lot of students are interested in making a career out of the language English and Communications. Are you one of them?

If yes, are you looking for a career in English?

English lovers have enormous employment opportunities in today’s time. Careers in English are based on the premise that English majors know how to communicate. There are numerous English career options to choose from. The list is endless, but, let’s have a look at 5 popular careers for English lovers:

Do you want to be a corporate honcho?

Career option 1: Marketing Executive

A marketing executive’s responsibilities may vary depending on the size, nature of the organization and sector. A marketing executive can begin with collateral development, writing and proofreading, client servicing, CRM and database management, organizing events, digital marketing and sales. You can specialize in any of these and make a career out of it.

Qualification required: MBA or Post graduation in Marketing or a specialized diploma course in any of the chosen areas

Approximate starting salary: Rs. 3.5 + lacs per annum

Do you have a fondness for the reporter kind of work?

Career option 2: Journalist

A journalist collects, writes, or distributes news or other current information. Journalists usually specialise in certain areas and work for a specific publication. Some even work for multiple agencies as freelancers.

Qualification required: Bachelor’s  degree in journalism or mass communication

Approximate starting salary: Rs. 3-3.5 lacs per annum

Have you always eyed for being a stylish & the coolest teacher in a school?

Career option 3: Lecturer or school teacher

A teacher primarily helps students learn the language, mentor them and are instrumental in student’s personal and educational development.

Qualification required: Teacher training course like CTET or Bachelors for being a school teacher ; Masters Degree Program for College Lecturer

Approximate starting salary: Highly variable depending upon school or college and public, private. Beyond salary, they earn immense respect as mentors.

Do you love to write?

Career option 4: Authors and novelists

Authors and novelists consider writing as a career. They pen down their thoughts in their own writing style and can create fiction, non-fiction, thrillers, even academic books, story books etc.

Qualification required: Technically no pre-requisite but usually masters in English

Approximate starting salary: Depends on the number of units sold. Sky is the limit for the best-sellers.

Career option 5: Content writer

Content writers can write anything from scripts to blogs to news to technical writing manuals.

Qualification required: Bachelors in English

Approximate starting salary: Rs. 3-4 lacs per annum

The above options are just few and the list can be exhaustive. Let me know if you want to know more about any other English/Communication related careers.