The secret to a good essay in SBI PO and UIIC

Secret to Essay Writing
Secret to Essay Writing

Are you preparing for SBI PO and UIIC AO entrance exams?

As an aspirant, you need to begin with the end in mind. Hope you are well versed with the revised SBI PO exam pattern as well as UIIC syllabus.

Why should you prepare for Essay Writing?

The answer is two fold firstly, Descriptive section (Essay and Letter Writing) is an essential section of the entrance exam that you are aiming at. Secondly, the job profile of a PO and UIIC AO demands written English knowledge so that they are able to express their views in a lucid and crisp manner.

Do you really want to be successful in your job? If yes, then, start preparing for English Cloze Test and Essay Writing now.

In SBI PO and UIIC AO exams, descriptive test is qualifying in nature- which means, candidates need to score the required cut off marks in order to be eligible for further recruitment procedure.

The descriptive test question paper of SBI PO & UIIC AO consists of 2 questions- Essay Writing and Letter Writing.

Lets share some secrets to help you write a good essay:

An essay proves a candidates argumentative acumen. Hence, a few rules need to be followed while writing an essay. They are:

  • A good introduction: The introductory paragraph is like a signpost. Hence, the introductory paragraph should be sound and convey a comprehensive overview of the entire topic. It should give the reader a reason to continue reading.
  • Logical sequence of ideas: One paragraph should contain one idea. There should be a logical progression of ideas in the essay. The most important idea should come first followed by other ideas.
  • Use of linkers: Use of linkers or discourse markers is important and helps the reader to form an idea about the sequencing of ideas. Examples of discourse markers or linkers can be therefore, however, additionally, moreover, firstly, primarily, but, although, hence, so, etc.
  • A good conclusion: The concluding paragraph is extremely important because it summarizes the concept or opinion. Do ensure that there is no new point in the concluding paragraph.
  • Give examples: You need to include examples in order to substantiate your point. Once a point or an argument is made, it should be followed by an explanation, facts and examples for the same.
  • Counter argument: If possible, provide a counter argument. That will lend an element of analysis to the essay. However, it has to be ensured that the candidates focus should not get muddled.

Bottom line “ Essay writing is not as difficult as it appears to be. All you need to do is know the way to go about it and eventually practice regularly.

Hope the above read gets you started with Essay Writing¦ Do share your inputs or queries on the same.

You might like to once again view the SBI PO 2016 Recruitment Notification and UIIC 2016 Recruitment Notification.

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