MHCET 2017 Result declared!

MHTCET 2017 result announced1

The Directorate of Technical Education – DTE has announced the Maharashtra Common Entrance Test- MHCET 2017 result at 5 pm on 3rd of June 2017 via online mode. The MHCET 2017 entrance examination was held on 11th May, 2017.

Candidates who appeared for MHCET 2017 entrance examination can check the scores they have secured in MHCET 2017 result here. To check the result of MHCET 2017 examination and download the score card, candidates will have to key in their application number, security pin and password.

Along with the qualification status, sectional and aggregate scores of the candidates is also mentioned in the MHCET 2017 Result. The result is on the basis of the merit ranks of  the MHCET candidates to be used for counseling which is scheduled to start from 5th June 2017.

Out of 3,89,520 registered candidates, 3,76,282 i.e.96.6% candidates had appeared for the examination. The stats say that not even 1% of students who wrote MHCET 2017 exam for engineering and pharmacy courses scored 75% marks i.e. 150 out of 200 or more in the examination. Also, less than 9% of students are able to score 100 marks.

We hope you have done well and wish you all good luck for the counseling stage!