Legal Aptitude prep ladder for CLAT, AILET takers

Legal Aptitude prep ladder for CLAT, AILET takers

Legal aptitude is the by far the most important section in CLAT, AILET and all Law entrance exams. One can infer the importance of this section from the fact that in case of a tie, students are allotted seats on the basis of the marks in this section.

Do you aspire to pursue law from India’s top NLUs? Is the legal aptitude section hindering you to step up the success ladder?

Whether you are preparing for CLAT, AILET, SET, BLAT or any other Law exam, you just need in-depth knowledge and a good legal aptitude preparation to reach to your desired goal.

Before sharing strategies of legal aptitude preparation, we will first guide you through this section and what all topics are included under this section.

Legal aptitude section assesses your inclination towards Law and your problem solving ability. The section includes questions on legal principles that are to be applied to certain situations. Students are given certain situation which they have to judge and come up with an appropriate solution.

Legal aptitude section consists of questions under following categories:

  • Legal facts
  • Legal GK
  • Legal reasoning

Now, read on how to go about your legal aptitude preparation:

Legal Facts: In this section, direct questions based on Law are asked to test students’ knowledge of legal facts. Topics under the constitution of India like preamble, fundamental rights and duties, directive principles are the focus area for this section. To effectively attempt the questions, students must have a good knowledge of amendments and landmark judgments.

Focus on recommendations & chairpersons of law commissions, Fundamental Rights and other articles under the Indian Constitution, Amendments and Landmark Judgments to attempt question with greater accuracy.

Legal reasoning:  In this section students are given a factual situation and they have to apply legal principles to it. Rather than legal knowledge, candidate’s legal aptitude and logical skills are tested.

Questions under legal reasoning section are based on the Constitution of India, Law of tort, Law of contract and Indian Penal Code. Hence, this section determines student’s clarity of thoughts.

To accurately attempt Legal reasoning questions, keep these points in mind:

  • Do not make assumptions. Answer the questions as per the given facts only, no need to assume anything in Law.
  • Remember that; Principle is always right. Keep aside all other knowledge that you have related to the question beforehand; whether it is personal viewpoint, legal knowledge, prejudice or any other thing you know in general.
  • Apply the principle to the given fact rigorously.
  • Always choose the option that is closest to the principle.

Legal GK:  Questions under this part are based on both current as well as static legal GK.  The focus area of this part remains the Supreme Court of India, Bar Council of India, Ministry of Law and Justice, High Court of Delhi, Government of India, knowledge about the hierarchy of Indian judiciary, Torts, amendments, recommendations, landmark judgments, law commission appointments.

To prepare well, it is advisable that you read a newspaper regularly. Reading is the best habit a person can adapt. Read, 10 ways to develop reading habit.  Be updated about recent judgments, legal maxim, new laws, etc. Knowledge about current affairs and GK shows eagerness to know about the world and the nation. This in turn results in getting familiarized about the GK in various scenarios. Read, GK preparation mantras for Law entrance exams.

At the very least, push yourself and have faith. We wish you the very best for your legal section preparation. Stay connected!

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