IBPS RRB Officer Scale I, Prelims result out

IBPS RRB Prelims result out

The Institute of Banking and Personnel Selection has declared the results of IBPS RRB V Officer scale I Preliminary Exam. The examination was conducted in 52 Regional Rural Banks on November 5, 6, 12 and 13 for the recruitment of Officers Scale 1 and Office Assistant posts. See if you wish to check out the exam analysis of the IBPS RRB Prelims 2016.

Last date for closure of IBPS RRB Prelims result window is 22 November 2016. Candidate can check there results here. The candidates would have to key in their roll number or registration number along with their date of birth or password.

The IBPS CWE RRB Officer Scale I preliminary exam was of 45 minutes duration and consisted of 80 questions of total 80 marks. Candidates who cleared each sections individually will qualify the next phase, the IBPS CWE RRB Mains Examination that would be conducted later this year.


All the best for the IBPS RRB Mains! You may know more about IBPS RRB Test Series here.