A 4 day trailer to IBPS Clerk Mains Exam on Jan 3, 2016


Are you aware that CL is giving you a one of its kind opportunity, where you can test yourself against the complete nation?

CL is organizing All India IBPS Clerk Open Mock from December 22 to 25, 2015 for IBPS Clerk aspirants from all over India. Besides, getting a feel of the real exam, the participants can benefit from the following:
1. Get an estimated Percentile Score
2. Access all India rank out of total candidates appeared
3. Detailed graphical analysis of each section
4. Total score and the expected cut off for the IBPS Clerk Mains scheduled for January 3, 2016

We at CL have tried our best to simulate this test to the actual test based on the experience of last 4 years of IBPS Clerk papers and this year’s SBI and IBPS examinations. To register, please visit http://www.careerlauncher.com/banking/ibps-clerk-main/

All the best to all to IBPS Clerk Mains aspirants!!

Do come back and share your experiences after you experience the same