Specialist Officers in Banks


The Indian Banking sector offers opportunities for a career in specialized fields like IT, Technical, Agriculture, Legal, Marketing, HR, Finance, Rajbhasha etc. This exam will give a scorecard with the validity of the scorecard for an year. For example the score card issued for the first CWE for Specialist Officers held in March 2012 expired in April 2013, when the next Common Written Examination (CWE SPL-II) as a pre-requisite for selection of personnel for the following Specialist cadre posts in the Public Sector Banks was to be conducted online by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) tentatively in March 2013.

The specialist officer posts that the recruitment process addressed are –

01     I.T. Officer (Scale-I)
02     Agricultural Field Officer (Scale I)
03     Rajbhasha Adhikari (Scale I)
04     Law Officer (Scale I)
05     Technical Officer (Scale I)
06     HR/Personnel Officer (Scale I)
07     Marketing Officer (Scale I)
08     I.T. Officer (Scale-II)
09     Law Officer (Scale II)
10     Chartered Accountant (Scale II)
11     Finance Executive (Scale II)

* Subject to vacancy requirement in Participating Banks

Schedule of Events for the process of 2013 was –

Start date for Online Registration 10-01-2013
Online Payment of Application Fees 10-01-2013 to 28-01-2013
Offline Payment of Application Fees 12-01-2013 to 01-02-2013
Last date for Online Registration 28-01-2013
Download of Call letter for Examination After 06-03-2013

Date of Online Examination (Tentative) 16-03-2013 or 17-03-2013

Any eligible candidate, who aspired to join any of the Public Sector Banks listed below as an Officer in one of the Specialist Officers’ posts mentioned above, was required to clear the Common Written Examination (CWE). Candidates who qualify in CWE SPL-II, will subsequently be called for a Common Interview to be coordinated by IBPS. Candidates, successful in qualifying in both the CWE and Common Interview will be listed in the order of merit. Depending on the vacancies in each bank of his/her preference, candidate will receive through a computerised system, an offer from one of the Participating Public Sector Banks. Vacancies remaining unfilled on account of candidates declining offer, will be filled from among the remaining candidates, through subsequent iterations.
This system of Common Written Examination and common interview for recruitment of Specialist Officers in Participating PSBs has the approval of the appropriate authorities. Candidates intending to appear for CWE will have to apply to IBPS after carefully reading the advertisement regarding the process of examination and interview, eligibility criteria, online registration process, payment of prescribed application fee/ intimation charges, pattern of examination, issuance of call letters etc.

For downloading the complete notification, kindly click the link