CAT Registration Trend: 2008-2018


According to the CAT registration analysis, after the year 2008, 2018 witnessed the highest number of registration amounting up to 2.41 lakhs. This marked an escalation of 10000 candidates as compared to 2017 registration record of 2.31 lakhs.

While 2017 registration record was inclusive of both paid and unpaid candidates, 2018 analysis accounts only the number of the fully paid and submitted forms.

The number of candidates who skipped test is also lowest for the year 2018. Around 30,933 candidates did not write CAT 2018 which is around 12.8 %. On an actual number comparison, this may not seem like a big difference (CAT 2017 witnessed a 13% of non-participants) however, it definitely marks a positive trend.

The table below holds the the last ten years CAT registration analysis: The year, the number of registered applicants, and the number of test-writers are mentioned.


No. of registered candidates


No. of appeared candidates



240338 209405 2018
231000 199632 2017
232434 195000 2016
218664 179602 2015
196988 167829 2014
194516 173714 2013
214000 195000 2012
205000 186000 2011
204000 185000 2010
241000 230000 2009
290000 276000 2008


*Career Launcher is not liable for the accuracy of the information provided




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1. IIM programs (list of management courses offered by the IIMs)

2. 7 mistakes CAT takers should avoid

3. IIM Seats 2019