Can you score a 750 in GMAT? – Abeer Nandrajog


Can you score a 750 in GMAT? I did, you too can “Abeer Nandanjog, a CL Student (appearing in CAT 2015, an IIM aspirant)”

As you all are aware that the GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) is a standard test that evaluates your proficiency in Quantitative Aptitude, Verbal, Integrated Reasoning (IR)and Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA). I am just sharing a few things that I learnt on my way to scoring a 750 in GMAT.

The Quantitative Aptitude section seems quite easy but it can be terribly tricky.

Scales score of 51 is 98 percentile and 49 is 78 percentile , so a slip up can be costly.

  • CL sheets of quant are good, in fact an essential practice. There was also a very good pdf given by CL with 700-800 level questions.
  • Though you do OGs, they are not sufficient, so it’s important to practice from other sources as well. VERITAS site and GMAT club are good options.
  • One may have a tendency to skip guides for Quant, but it pays to do the guides for problem areas.
    • We hardly need 2.5 hours to finish a guide. Also, one gets to know the common mistakes on conceptually easy questions.
    • Moreover, each Quant guide has a chapter on tackling Data Sufficiency questions of the topic.
      Useful, may help us be faster and more aware about the common mistakes.
    • The fact that we know most of it means that we can easily breeze through the guide, so it’s a small and worthwhile investment of time.

For Verbal, it’s crucial to be selective of the sources. I felt that the CR and SC of CL sheets and of Veritas site were not in sync with the official material. There was subjectivity. If you have doubts, LEAVE THE MATERIAL. There is no point in getting doubtful about your reasoning skills. Focus on the official material and Manhattan material.

Manhattan Guides:

  • Sentence Correction (Mandatory)
    — Critical Reasoning – Good way to break down CR problems, though one need not write down as they do. Good practice questions.
    — Reading Comprehension
    One can read the strategies to deal with long and short passages, and attempt the practice questions.

Other important learning and insights:

  • Pen paper tests by the GMAC are good practice tests for AWA and Verbal
  • Quant is much easier but again one makes mistakes.
  • I gave 10 such tests. Do as many as possible and do from the screen.
  • The answers are given but there are no explanations, so one can go through the wrong ones and discuss doubts with the faculty.
  • Some questions are found in the OGs but there are other good questions as well.
    Also it helps to practice taking an actual test, though IR is not available.
  • Endurance is a part of the test. It’s best to simulate test taking conditions while practising.

Lastly, people generally find verbal tough and they tend to ignore Quant to a certain extent. That can be problematic because a slip in Quant to anything below the top 51 is a drag on the score. So make sure that you have enough practice to get a 50 if not a 51.