How to prepare General Awareness for Banking Examinations??



Dear Aspirants cum Future Bankers,

The General Awareness section in banking examinations is very important from selection perspective.

General awareness is not only important from written but is also important from interview’s perspective. Let us understand how to prepare this section well!

First and foremost we must understand what the areas are of concern in General Awareness section of banking entrance examinations, broadly!

Areas of concern for GA preparation:

Based on the analysis of the past years papers of mainly IBPS PO, RRB PO & SBI PO examinations, the General Awareness section can broadly be classified into three segments viz.

  • Basics of Banking
  • Current Affairs
  • Miscellaneous GK
  • Basics of banking: These are an integral part of General Awareness section of almost all the Banking examinations.

In this section questions are asked from the following areas:

  • Indian financial system
  • History of banking in India
  • Structure of Indian Banking system
  • Basic functions of Banks
  • Basic banking processes
  • Important banking terms
  • History of Reserve Bank of India
  • Structure of Reserve Bank of India
  • Functions of Reserve Bank of India
  • Basic understanding of famous International Financial Institutions like, World Bank, IMF, ADB, WTO.
  • Important economic and financial terms
  • Current Affairs: In this section aspirants are expected to be well aware of the important developments happening in India and World in the last 6 months prior to examination. Following areas need to be covered in this section:
  • Important National events
  • Important International events
  • Contemporary Economic Developments which primarily includes:
  1. Important developments of economy
  2. Important developments in the banking sector
  3. Important Government schemes
  4. Important Economic Data
  • Important sports events/developments
  • Important Miscellaneous developments including
  1. Awards
  2. Books & Authors
  3. Important Days etc.


  • Miscellaneous GK: This section includes questions coming from the following areas:
  • Capitals
  • Currencies
  • Sports terms
  • Sports trophies
  • Abbreviations
  • Field of awards
  • Miscellaneous data

Now, being aware is NOT ENOUGH! You must know and do it well in the actual paper also.

Here is how you can prepare it well?

The source for preparing Basics of Banking is:

  1. FAQ section of Reserve Bank of India website :
  2. A good fundamental book on Banking available in the market.

The source for preparing Current Affairs is regular and religious reading of The Hindu and Economic Times newspapers. Watching news channels like DD News is also highly recommended.

The source for preparing Miscellaneous GK is:

  1. Visiting a very generic website: http// will be helpful in this context.

We hope and believe that these inputs will help in preparing the General Awareness section of banking examinations.

Happy GKYING!!